As an associate, when you are looking for a supervisor you need someone who understands your vision of how you want to practice as a counselor, and that supervisor needs to support and help you with that growth. I believe in empowering you to be the kind of therapist you want to be without changing your vision. Each of us brings our experiences to shape our philosophy of how we practice as therapists. It is my job to help you hone your craft with these in mind.
I have a foundation in a wide range of theoretical orientations and can support you within the frameworks you want to use. I have supervised others in my various roles in California, Oregon, Texas, and Washington. My years supervising have taught me I need to be able to adapt my approach to meet you where you are in order to assist you in your growth as a professional.
I believe at its core supervision must be person-centered, focused on increasing the associate’s understanding of tools they have and how they can use them to their clients’ best advantage. I am a partner in this part of your journey. I am a coach as you work with clients. I am mentor to support you in becoming the therapist you want to be.
Supervision rates are based on a sliding scale with reduced cost for group supervision (up to 4 associates in a group).
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